Rate Your Work-Life Balance to Find a More Blissful You

work life balance

You might be under the impression that you have a great work-life balance, but the questionnaire below is about to pop your bubble. Steve Mundahl, CEO of Goodwill Industries and author of The Alchemy of Authentic Leadership, was pondering his life while on a fishing trip. He began to think about the factors that contribute to a balanced life and found that he wasn't as happy as he appeared to be. He came up with the below test to measure his own life's balance.

1. Money

Do you make enough money? Do you live paycheck to paycheck? Are you in debt? If your personal finances aren't in tip-top shape, you won't feel confident in managing your business' finances as well.

*Give yourself a rating of 1 to 5.

2. Creativity and Fun

How in touch are you with your inner child? Do you spend time doing all the things you love, outside of work?

*Give yourself a rating of 1 to 5.

3. Philosophy and Spirituality

This doesn't mean being an active part of a religion (although it can), but it simply means spending time thinking about ideas that are larger than yourself. For some, this may mean enjoying nature or volunteering for an important cause. Are you doing something that benefits the world?

*Give yourself a rating of 1 to 5.

4. Career and Education

Do you have fun at work? Are you doing something meaningful with your life? Do you leave work feeling satisfied? Are you actively working on improving yourself and skills? Success comes to those who are continuously learning (whether in a formal or informal setting).

*Give yourself a rating of 1 to 5.

5. Family and Relationships

Everyone needs a strong, solid support system. But, this is the category that is often the most ignored by entrepreneurs and busy business leaders. Do you spend enough time with family and friends? Are you in a relationship? If not, are you spending time with other single people?

*Give yourself a rating of 1 to 5.

6. Physical and Emotional Health

Don't neglect your needs for the sake of your work. Do you get regular exercise? Are you a healthy eater? Do you get enough sleep? Do you take time to care for your emotional well-being?

*Give yourself a rating of 1 to 5.

Now, you can add up your points from each category. If you have a rating of 25 or more, that means you have a great work-life balance. If you have a rating of 20-25, you're doing pretty well, but you need to do a bit of re-balancing. If you have a rating of 19 or less, you are probably pretty unhappy about your work-life balance and you need to make some major changes.