Top 10 Posts in 2011

The following are the most-trafficked productivity and efficiency articles at Ridiculously Efficient since our Nov. 1 launch. I hope these oldies-but-goodies help you set the tone for 2012 and beyond.

  1. Semi-Automated Social Media: Timely by Demandforce
  2. Turbocharge Your Day With Mental Feng Shui
  3. Things by CulturedCode is a Terrific To-Do Application
  4. 5 Habits of High-Performance Writers
  5. The Ridiculously Efficient Mantra for a Better Work-Life Balance
  6. Stats on Wasting Time at Work [INFOGRAPHIC]
  7. Working in Spurts: Supercharging the Pomodoro Technique
  8. Ridiculously Efficient Social Media Workflow
  9. 5 Monday Must-Reads on Holiday Productivity
  10. How I Use Social Media for Content Production