Even if your employes are content in their current positions, that isn't going to stop them from looking for a new job. Salary.com conducted a survey of more than 1,200 people, and found that 83% of Americans will look for a new job in 2014. That'a a 6% rise from 2013.
These numbers are pretty surprising, considering that 28% of respondents said they are happy in their current jobs and 50% said they received raises last year.
So, what's the problem?
Money, of course. But, it's not as big of an issue as it was a year ago -- 16% said money was their biggest concern, but this number actually decreased by 8% since 2013. However, only 29% said a raise would help them stay in their current jobs, which is a 7% decrease from last year.
While money is certainly important, employees need to pay attention to other aspects of work life that can make or break the experience. A tenth of survey respondents want a better work-life balance, 9% don't like their boss, 8% want clear goals, and 5% want a more flexible schedule.
On the bright side, there are simply solutions to each of these issues. Ryan Sanders, COO of BambooHR, told us about the company's anti-workaholism policies, which encourage a better work-life balance. These policies include flexible working and encouraging employees to stick to working 40 hours a week. Whole Foods uses salary transparency to ensure workers understand what it takes to receive a raise or promotion. This helps to encourage healthy competition, while also making it clear what the company considers a high performer.
See more of Salary.com's survey in the infographic below.

(h/t Fast Company)
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