Each week, I contribute dozens of articles on career topics to a variety of Web properties. Here are some of my favorites from this week.
- LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner has a unique viewpoint on why the unemployment rate remains high, despite the fact that there are 3.5 million jobs available. [PayScale]
- Many professionals are using LinkedIn as a way of networking. Find out six key mistakes to avoid with your profile page. [PayScale]
- Being a working mother can be a difficult balancing act for many women. A new study shows that the state in which you reside can make a big difference. What are the best states for working moms? [PayScale]
- If you're lazy and you work as a public-sector employee in Britain, this could signal bad news for you. In an effort to make government run more efficiently, Britain plans to lay off "lazy" civil service employees. [PayScale]
- Harvard professor Michael Norton has written a paper that stresses the importance of employee time being spent wisely. Can "psychological time" can boost productivity and engagement? [PayScale]
- As technology evolves, so too do methods of recruiting valued employees. This infographic depicts the evolution of social recruiting technology. [PayScale]
- Women have always faced challenges in the workplace, but here are three underrated challenges women face that you might not have realized. [PayScale]
- Think you don't have time to get in a good workout between responsibilities at home and work? Think again. Here are some simple ways to work out at work. [PayScale]
- Freedom of speech has always been an important American right. Will the way we view free speech online change forever with the Facebook IPO? [PayScale]
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