It's an inevitable fact that as a freelancer, you must manage yourself as you would another employee. Doing so effectively requires that you think like a manager and recognize what makes a happy worker. I read a lot of infographics, and this one sponsored by Citrix hits on several points that are also applicable to freelancers.
- Seventy-two percent of U.S. workers are "not engaged" in their work, which the study defines as "essentially sleepwalking through their day." For freelancers, this disengagement is the kiss of death that turns what could be a two-hour "shift" of focused work into a 10-hour nightmare. If you find yourself in this situation, it's time to take inventory of your work and your clients to address areas that don't enrich or engage you.
- Eighty-six percent of employees want to workshift. Freelancers are essentially workshifters in that most of us don't have to abide by a standard 9-to-5 day. Workshifters have flexible hours, work on projects when they please and, aside from deadlines and regularly scheduled meetings, often have few daily commitments. Take advantage of this flexibility by scheduling uninterrupted "power periods" of work interspersed with periods of play or relaxation to ensure your batteries remain charged from week to week.
- Workshifters are 55 percent more engaged than non-workshifters. Freelancing is perfect for those with the right personalities. While the ability to create your own "rules" is empowering, it's also pragmatic: by working within your personalized framework, you'll save on stress and boost productivity.
- Workshifting increases productivity by 27 percent. This is no surprise for prolific freelancers, since you can work when you feel energized and stop when your attention span fades.
See the rest of the infographic below. Those with day jobs: Do you agree with Citrix's findings?

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