A crucial component of the Ridiculously Efficient lifestyle is the idea of emotional refueling to supercharge work productivity. Professional athletes train opposing muscles (abs and lower back, or biceps and triceps) for a complete strength-training workout; extending that example, high-performance workers must build in periods of stress-free recovery to reset their brains.
The Business Opportunities Weblog conducted a survey of its readers in August 2011 to find out where they were when inspiration and new ideas struck. The site's results appear below, but note that none of these places is at the respondents' work or at their desk. Instead, all of the respondents felt most creative when they were relaxing, doing a pleasurable activity, or doing mundane tasks that don't require much brainpower.
Build similar downtime into your day -- be sure to relax and enjoy the moment -- and then watch how well you attack tasks during your next work period.

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