Today was a most momentous occasion: Ridiculously Efficient turned 1. Since the site launched, so much has changed. I used my efficiency for good and whittled down my workday enough to squeeze in time to exercise. Then I got back into shape and completed 12 obstacle races over 10 months, including a Tough Mudder. I met and hired my first employee, Melody.
The pace doesn't slow a bit, though. I've got a few fun things in the pipeline over the next 10 weeks. On 12/12/12, I'm launching a multiweek ecourse that will fundamentally change how you approach the idea of work-life alignment and an ebook. You'll learn the techniques I've perfected over the past six years in my quest to become ridiculously efficient in just a few hours.
To get the latest news about these projects, make sure you subscribe to the Ridiculously Efficient newsletter.