Working from home is a perk some view as a luxury. I love working from home -- it gives me the freedom and flexibility to work my own hours and escape from some of the less attractive parts of working in an office. But, working from home isn't for everyone. The infographic below from NeedaOffice will help you answer: Is working from home for you?
Working from home can be beneficial to both employer and employee. It helps to increase overall job satisfaction and aids in increasing job retention. Nearly half of companies that allow telecommuting say the switch has helped to reduce attrition.
The ability to work remotely has also helped to increase employee productivity. Companies like Best Buy, British Telecom and Dow Chemical have all noted increased productivity by 35-40%. Companies like AT&T and American Express have noticed a pretty significant increase in hours worked and work produced from their telecommuters.
Learn more about working from home in the infographic below.

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