millennial in a hat and jacket
In today's edition of Millennial Monday, I'm sharing my take on how companies can hire millennials. [contextly_auto_sidebar id="uy826QbcIqDyJqHuC8XOyxQLQTq9hh07"]A couple of my friends are going through some dire employment straits that have made me think about recruitment from both sides: employer and employee.
Entrepreneurs often tell me how they want to hire someone just like me, a millennial who "gets it." Yet, in many cases, they don't understand how to naturally attract us.
For starters, forget Facebook-like perks.
I like Evan Burns' take from a recent Inc.com article:
Purpose, cultural fit, and mission dominate all. There is a reason that people will sleep on disgusting couches in hole-in-the-wall apartments to start companies or to campaign endlessly for a politician they love.
If a candidate chooses you because you have better food, a fancier game room, or a nicer office, watch out--because you know where their loyalty lies, pretty soon it will be at the shiny new place down the street. Read more at Inc.com...
I believe in creating my own perks using the freedom of time that my work creates.
My favorite perk of all time, though, is being able to work from home full-time and invest my earnings into improving my house and physical surroundings.
Next, get clear on your company's purpose -- and your own.
Research from Deloitte reveals that many millennials use purpose as a core factor when job-hunting:
6/10 Millennials said a sense of purpose is part of the reason they chose to work for their current employer.
77% of Connected Millennials said part of the reason they chose to work where they do is because of the company's sense of purpose. Read more from Deloitte...
Finally, look for candidates who can evolve.
Today, change is the new normal, and generalists who can quickly adapt to new responsibilities, capabilities and technologies will be more valuable than specialists.
Gary Vaynerchuk cites this idea as a key hiring strategy at VaynerMedia:
I don’t believe in trying to strengthen weaknesses, but I do believe in working hard to be good at many things. In life you will be required to take on many different tasks. You might be really good at something now, but don’t let that stop you from finding out what else you can dominate. Because I know it’s not just one thing. You’re better than that.
We adapt and evolve our skill-sets depending on our particular situation in life. We do it all the time, so to consider yourself a specialist is limiting. And no excuses. When I hear people make the excuse that they can’t do other things because they’ve gone so deep in one focus, it bothers me.Via medium.com
These strategies may seem simplistic, but they're the ones that companies tend to screw up most when trying to hire millennials.
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