Many companies are moving away from the traditional tiered hierarchy to something more befitting of a work environment that empowers each employee to be a leader. A holacracy removes work titles and focuses on work roles -- by concentrating only on how to provide the best product or service possible. The infographic below from Top Management Degrees looks at the benefits of having a holacracy in the workplace.
Unlike a tiered pyramid model that most companies use to create a hierarchy, the holacracy model is a circle -- the product/service is at the center and the employees surround it. Each of these surrounding employees is a stakeholder, which makes them completely invested in the success of the business.
When it comes to governance, everyone has a say. Rather than having a manager dictate protocol, meetings are held in which employees are able to vote on proposed protocols. This gives each person a sense of accountability and authority.
There are many companies already using this work model. The David Allen Company, Zappos and The Integral Center are just a few examples.
Learn more about the holacracy model in the infographic below.