Your to-do list is full of tasks that will keep you busy for the entire week, often making you feel overwhelmed and stressed out by your obligations. A great way to regain focus is to keep one day in your calendar free of any tasks or appointments.
This doesn't mean you shouldn't get anything done on this day, it simply means you aren't scheduling anything before hand. So, if you choose to do nothing, you can. But, if you are feeling productive go right ahead and get stuff done.
This idea comes from The Space Between, a DIY blog.
"My favorite and most used organization trick - pick one day of the week to not schedule yourself for anything. I don't mean the non-negotiable life obligations. I mean the honey-do lists and to-do lists and the 'man I should get that stuff done' tasks," the blog reads. "Having that one day can reduce the stress level immensely. Especially when you're juggling a bajillion things every other day of the week."
The difference between this day and every other day of the week is anything you do accomplish, it'll be because you want to, not because it's an obligation.