Most managers and entrepreneurs tend to shy away from failure, but as these must-reads on leadership failures prove, there's more to learn from misses than makes.
- The late Joe Paterno left behind an incredible history of winning and great leadership at Penn State. In this post, Dan Rockwell examines the lessons we can learn from Paterno's two failures in the wake of the Sandusky scandal. [Leadership Freak]
- Other timely lessons on failed leadership come courtesy of the Carnival cruise ship Costa Concordia, which ran aground on Jan. 13. [Tim Milburn]
- Many managers cultivate an office environment that thrives on internal competition. This piece examines the potential drawbacks of such a system. [Fortune]
- How will Thorsten Heins, the new CEO of RIM, bolster the shaky tech company? [Forbes]
- Five stories of slimy managers, just for fun. [Businessweek]