The hiring process can be frustrating, long-winded and take up much more time than you anticipated. But now that you've found the right candidate, it doesn't mean you can continue with work as usual. Yesterday, we wrote about a study suggesting just how important the first 90 days at a new job are. These first weeks will dictate the attitude and performance of an employee, which can go one of two ways – someone who is happy, engaged and productive; or someone who is unhappy, is constantly absent and is already looking for their next gig. If you want to make sure all your hires fit in the first category, keep reading.
Train, train, and then train some more.
The training process is important for any new hire, but this process should last longer than just a few days. Employees need to feel prepared to do their jobs on their own, so make sure you provide them with all the information, resources and support you can. Since the first 90 days at a new job are usually also a probationary period, keep a close eye on the employee's performance and how they are fitting in with other coworkers. If they come across roadblocks, help them across and see how they fare on their own the next time around.
Get support from supervisors.
According to the aforementioned study, the positive and negative interactions an employee has with their supervisors in their first 90 days has a long-lasting effect. So, it is that much more important that supervisors are willing to make that extra effort to provide support to new employees. At a startup it might be difficult, but try to lessen supervisors' workloads during this time period to ensure they have enough time to spend with the new hire.
Coworkers are important, too.
It's not just interactions with supervisors and bosses that affect a new hire's attitude, it's also their interactions with coworkers. Encourage staff to be welcoming to new hires and engage in social activities such as out-of-office lunches. It is also important that these coworkers are willing to provide additional assistance and support to supervisors during this 90-day period.
Putting in extra time and effort into your new hires will decrease employee turnover and create a culture of loyal, hard-working and productive employees.