The first 90 days at a new job dictates an employee's attitude and performance in the long-term. A new study published in the Academy of Management Journal found that both the positive and negative interactions a new hire has with coworkers and managers in the first 90 days at the new job have long lasting effects.
The study followed 264 new employees over a 90-day period and found that those who received higher levels of support from coworkers and supervisors had more positive attitudes about their jobs. They also felt more integrated with co-workers and were more willing to work harder.
Those who had negative experiences with coworkers and supervisors in the first 90 days at their new jobs were more likely to feel disconnected from their peers and had lower levels or productivity due to poor performance and an increase in absenteeism.
Throughout the 90-day period, the support from coworkers and supervisors decreased significantly, especially after the first few weeks. This was either due to other job pressures or attention going to newer employees. However, as this support declined, employees' attitudes towards their jobs became more negative. All it took to get the positive attitudes back was a little support from their bosses.
Employees who were undermined by supervisors were much more likely to leave their jobs.
Moral of the story? Make those first 90 days really count. Show constant support to new hires and ensure coworkers are welcoming and helpful.