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Marissa Brassfield

20 Cognitive Biases That Affect Your Decision-Making

There are three parts of the mind: cognitive, conative, and affective. The cognitive part of your mind does the majority of the thinking, which includes your knowledge, reason, skills, experience, education, and IQ. Although all three parts of the mind are used in the process of decision-making, according to Business...

Team RE's Tips for an Efficient Holiday Season

It’s about that time of year when people are batched into two groups -- the ones who absolutely love everything about the holidays, embrace the season and get through it with flying colors because Christmas somehow allows them to thrive. Then there are the rest of us -- the...

Marissa Brassfield

6 Ways to Avoid the Afternoon Slump

When do you have the most energy during the day? When are you the most productive? Many people face an energy slump around 3pm in the afternoon. You have worked hard all day, ate a good lunch, and now your productivity seems to be decreasing by the minute. We have...

Rosemina Nazarali

Even the Pope Wants You to Put Your Phone Away

When I was a kid, dinner was a sacred time for my family. At exactly 6pm, my brother and I were expected to be at the table, sans electronics. There was an open invitation for friends to join us, and we were generally free to do whatever we wanted before...

Marissa Brassfield

Spending Too Much Time Inside Could Impact Your Health

On average, how much time do you think you spend inside per day? Research has found that most Americans only spend 10% of their day outside. That’s roughly two and a half hours a day that we spend breathing fresh air and absorbing natural sunlight on our skin. While...

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