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Rosemina Nazarali

Is Telework the Future? [Infographic]

More and more people have turned to telecommuting as a means of maintaining a job while enjoying the flexibility of working outside of the office. However, others feel that this trend takes away from collaboration and employee engagement. So, is telework the future of the workforce? The infographic below from...

Marissa Brassfield

Are Offices Obsolete?

With the technology that is coming online today, the traditional cubicle office format is slowly fading away. And I say good riddance! Since leaving the traditional office space in 2007, my productivity levels have soared and I find myself able to maintain focus easily in my home office. With millennials...

Rosemina Nazarali

Make the Best of Working From Home

Working from a home office is a quickly growing trend that gives workers the freedom to make their own hours and have a bit more flexibility in their work lives. However, working from home comes with distractions you would never see in the workplace while taking away the limits that...

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