Will Smith finally took the plunge into the world of social media a few months ago and has since been blessing the world with his insight and wisdom. He talks about everything from art to travel, and basically how to live your best life. This time around, Smith took to IGTV to discuss finding your life's purpose.
A post shared by Will Smith (@willsmith) on Jun 24, 2018 at 2:18pm PDT
In the video, Smith says there are four ways to finding your purpose: Explore, Experience, Create and Relate.
Explore and Experience go hand-in-hand, he says, and is one of the reasons why he enjoys traveling. He explores the world and engages in new experiences, partially by meeting new people.
"You gotta explore and you have to experience. That's how you open the dialogue with the universe to get these answers," Smith says in the video.
The next two, Create and Relate, are also coinciding ideas. The actor says you have to use your gifts and put them out into the world, giving you a better understanding of yourself, and your own relationship with the things you create and the people engaging with the things you create.
"I think it's really important to hone your gifts, to constantly be creating and elevating your gifts, and then giving them and working on that exchange with the universe."
Ultimately, he says, you have to question what and how you are contributing to your community and the world around you. Ask, how are you contributing to the world, to your friends and to your family?
"What is your contribution to the human family is always going to be where you find your mission and purpose."
Smith's language may throw you off a bit, so here is my interpretation.
Keep Moving and Keep Talking. Travel, see the world, experience new things. And while you're doing that, meet new people. Learn about new cultures and life experiences. Move outside of your comfort zone and gain the kind of knowledge that is impossible to find while staying stagnant within a bubble.
Share What You Learned and Keep the Conversation Going. Put everything you've learned, experienced and seen into something. A collection of photos, a piece of writing, design a new garden, create an abstract painting, write a blog post, create a photo collage for your social profiles. Or use that energy toward a new business venture or personal project. Just do something. And when people start engaging with the thing you've created, keep the conversation going. How are they relating to it? How are you relating to them? What's the thing that's connecting those involved in the conversation?
And as you keep exploring and creating, you'll eventually find the thing that makes you uniquely you and allows you to contribute positive impact to those around you, your community or to the world.
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