Keeping employees engaged is an on-going challenge employers struggle with. Looking for ways to engage millennial employees is an even bigger challenge. Millennials are fluent in digital media and are as committed to company goals as the rest of their coworkers, which is a trait employers should recognize. The infographic below from Peoplefluent outlines a few ways companies can engage millennials.
Gamification is one of the ways companies can engage millennials. It lightens the mood and provides a fun incentive for employees to perform at their best. It also gives you instant feedback, boosts productivity and increases retention.
Your workplace should also be one that cultivates collaboration. Millennials are part of a generation that seek out instant results, but also want their work to be meaningful while collaborating with groups of people. They want to be constantly learning through their jobs, while also having a workplace that is fun and social.
Learn more about engaging millennials in the infographic below.