Robert Herjavec is the founder of Herjavec Group, a global information security firm that helps enterprises protect themselves against cyber threats. He is also an author that offers business advice through his books, Driven and The Will To Win, and helps entrepreneurs through ABC's Shark Tank. Clearly, he's pretty efficient. He's decided to share some of the the tips that keep him so efficient with readers of Fortune. Below are the highlights.
Know what's coming.
Herjavec suggests looking at the next two weeks of your calendar so you are aware of any impending deadlines. Also spend some time looking at the next six months or year on your calendar -- this will help to ensure you stay on track for yearly and other long-term goals.
Pick up the phone if your email is too long.
Through his many projects and meetings, Herjavec spends a lot of time travelling on a plane. So, he's had to get used to telecommuting. His rule of thumb: if the email you are writing is more than three lines, pick up the phone.
Be prepared for meetings.
Before heading into a meeting, Herjavec prepares by making sure he knows what is expected of him and what the goal of the meeting is. Ensuring he is focused helps to save both his own time and the time of everyone attending.