We all know how important sleep is for our overall wellbeing, but just how much sleep do you need to be a highly productive person? Well, a lot.
According to the infographic below from SleepPeople.com, highly productive people need between seven and nine hours of sleep each night. Anything less than six hours a night will result in a loss of productivity. And, getting less than five hours of sleep for a few nights in a row can cause the same impairment as drinking alcohol.
But, it's not always easy to tell when you are really sleep deprived. A few tell-tale signs include irritability, having trouble remembering things, falling into micro-sleeps and, in extreme cases, hallucinations and anxiety.
One way to give yourself a productivity boost is simply by taking a nap. According to the infographic, taking a short power nap can energize you enough to keep you focused for the rest of the day.
Learn more about how to sleep your way to success in the infographic below!

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