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Marissa Brassfield

Top 10 Posts in 2011

The following are the most-trafficked productivity and efficiency articles at Ridiculously Efficient since our Nov. 1 launch. I hope these oldies-but-goodies help you set the tone for 2012 and beyond. 1. Semi-Automated Social Media: Timely by Demandforce 2. Turbocharge Your Day With Mental Feng Shui 3. Things by CulturedCode is...

Marissa Brassfield

How I Use Social Media for Content Production

I've previously shared my Ridiculously Efficient social media workflow, but until now, I haven't discussed how I use social media for content production. It's easy to get sucked into social media for hours on end, but doing so costs me money and free time,...

Marissa Brassfield

5 Must-Reads on Productivity Planning

To be Ridiculously Efficient, you must set yourself up for success, and these must-reads on productivity planning will help you do just that. * A set of downloadable planners, from a productivity heat map to a blog post planner and a productivity jumpstarter. Fun stuff. (Productive Flourishing) * Ken Haigh suggests a...

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