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Rosemina Nazarali

Workplace Deal Breakers [Infographic]

There are many aspects of people's jobs that they don't necessarily like, but they deal with. These are usually things that bug them, that they will go home and complain about, but it's not quite enough to push people to leave. Then there are...

Rosemina Nazarali

Top 10 Productivity Killers [Infographic]

Offices comes with a slew of distractions, from surfing the Internet to simply chatting with colleagues. A national survey from CareerBuilder reveals the top 10 productivity killers in American workplaces. The study also exposes some of the weirdest things bosses have found employees doing at work. Cell phone and texting...

Rosemina Nazarali

Finding the Balance Between Empathy and Burnout

New research from Michigan State University found that managers who invest a lot of energy into ensuring all workplace decisions are fair are at a higher risk of feeling both mentally and emotionally drained. On the flip side, a recently survey from Lee Hecht Harrison revealed that most supervisors are...

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