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Rosemina Nazarali

A Simple Way to Add an Extra Hour to Your Day

How much time do you spend on your smartphone each day? Most of us might think that the accumulative time of checking email, reading social media updates and playing the occasional game doesn't take too much time out of your day. But when Adrian J. Hopkins of The...

Rosemina Nazarali

Centrallo is a List-Lover's Haven [Interview]

A lot of times, us list makers find ourselves much more disorganized than we intended. Our process usually involves notebooks and sticky notes, lost lists and the overwhelming inability to identify where to start. Centrallo is an app that not only centralizes all your lists in one place, but it...

Rosemina Nazarali

This App Tracks Your Happiness While You Work

How you work has a lot to do with you how feel. Your ability to perform well and work productively is largely dependent on your mood. Now, there's an app called Niko Niko that can actually measure your mood while you work, allowing managers to track team morale,...

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