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Are Computers Causing Nearsightedness?

Kings College London researchers believe that computers are causing nearsightedness. Here's how to fight back. [contextly_auto_sidebar id="tCKdRqHexVOXQiCG3oVNoRYZzb4wd7zq"]In Europe, about one-fourth of the population is nearsighted. But when you drill down to Europeans aged 25 to 29, the percentage of nearsightedness goes up...

Rosemina Nazarali

Change Your Commute for a Happier Life

Commuting is one of those aspects of your life that will either bring you hours of misery a week, or can help give your mood and energy a little boost. A recent study from British researchers found that spending long periods of time in your car is making you unhappy....

Rosemina Nazarali

Going for a Walk Will Make You More Creative

You're sitting in your office, whether at work or at home. You are staring blankly at your computer screen just hoping that a brilliant idea will suddenly come to you. Instead, you end up sitting at your desk for hours trying to force your brain to think creatively....

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